- Procuring services The children and young people’s palliative and end of life care palliative service specification
The children and young people's palliative and end of life care palliative service specification
The NHS England Service Specifications for Palliative and End of Life Care: Children and young people (CYP) provide a children and young people service model for delivering specialist level palliative care (SLPC) services from identification of need through to end of life.
It provides guidance for ICBs on:
- Population needs
- Outcomes that palliative and end of life care can achieve for children and young people and their families
- The scope of these services, including:
- the aims and objectives of the service
- the service model structure
- how to deliver the integrated model
- key service characteristics
- the population covered
- acceptance criteria
- interdependence with other services and providers.
It also defines key terms and clarifies categories for palliative and end of life care for babies, children and young people.